Rates & Fees

The following rates and fees have been established by the Board of Directors of the Clarks Branch Water Association and are effective immediately until revised.
Last revision – May 2024

Flat Minimum Monthly Rates

  • Residential: $100.00 for 1st 5,000 gallons
  • County Hardship: $110.00 for 1st 7,250 gallons

Excess Water Charge

  • $10.00 per/1000 gallons for excess (over 5,000 gallons/mo.) up to 10,000 gallons/mo.

  • $12.00 per/1000 gallons for excess from 10,001 to 20,000 gallons/mo.

  • $14.00 per/1000 gallons for excess over 20,000 gallons/mo.

Membership Fee
$1,500.00 for new members without a transferrable account

Service Connection Fee
$650.00 minimum or the actual cost of the connection, whichever is highest.

Service Charge for Restoring Service

Meter Testing Deposit

Meter Cleaning Charge

System Development Fee

Transfer Fee

Return Check Fee

Re-Reading the Meter Fee

Assessment & Finance Charge
There are no additional charges currently.

Rules & Regulations
Rules and regulations for the conduct and operation of the water system of Clarks Branch Water Association are given to all members during membership transfer. Contact us to request another copy.