May Board Meeting Rescheduled

Due to prior engagements, the regularly scheduled CBWA board meeting for the 2nd Tuesday of the month — Tuesday, May 14, 2024 — will be moved to the following week.

The May Board Meeting will be rescheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 7:00pm at the water plant (741 Wagontire Drive).

Clarks Branch Water Association Board Members

Board Members Needed Immediately

Your Clarks Branch Water Association still needs members to serve on the Board of Directors. Our newest board member has been on the board for 5 years, while others have been helping for much longer.

Please keep in mind that CBWA is a private and member owned association. If members are not willing to give time to help their water association, tasks will not get done or they will be contracted externally. These increased costs will be passed along to the members.

If you are willing to serve on the Clarks Branch Water Association Board, or volunteer in other ways, please call CBWA Secretary – Glen Simpson at 541-680-6762.

Keep Your Meter Clear of Overgrowth

Reminder to all members,

You are responsible for keeping the area around your meters clean, clear of debris, and overgrown shrubs, weeds, or grass. If we experience difficulty accessing your water meter your account can be charged a $75 cleaning fee. This fee can continue to incur if we are required clear overgrowth for access to your meter.

Happy Spring,
Clarks Branch Water Association Board Members